How to Reduce Your Stress and Boost Your Immunity With Ayurveda?
The chances of getting stressed, frustrated, angry, and scared have increased after the lockdown during the pandemic situations. Loneliness has entirely changed the lifestyles, behavior, and attitude of people. In addition, people gained more weight, leading to unnecessary health issues. Are you still feeling helpless and hopeless with all this stuff? Ayurveda has solutions to all these problems and can help you to overcome these with more health and a good mindset.
The connection between mind and body is real and accurate. This means that when our minds are stressed, our bodies will also get affected. Thus it affects the Ojas, our immunity, and vitality. Escaping out of fight or flight mode and moving into rest and digest enhances your immunity system and relaxes your mind.
Let’s look at ten easy ways to manage your stress and enhance your immunity with Ayurveda.
Prioritizing boundaries:
Pay attention to your consumption of news and social media. Yes, we all want to know what's going on in the world and how our friends and family are dealing with it, but there is a limit to how much information can be useful. Screen time adversely affects our body's stress levels, hormones, and sleep cycles.
Verify and check on all the stories:
When stories loops around your head, it is always better to think about all of them positively. Don’t think about all the sad stories of you all the time and feel depressed. Consider everything in the right positive way and make everything productive. When you feel like negative self-talk or “storytelling” ask yourself more about it truth, need, and kindness to avoid those negative thinkings.
Acquire the self-confidence
Work with confirmations or spells to remind yourself that everything will be fine. When we are stuck or overwhelmed by negative thoughts, confirmation immediately lifts us out of them. The feeling that: I'm safe. I'm healthy and I have everything I need, always helps everyone to revive their life with better aspirations.
4. Meditate.
5. Breathing process
Take a full deep breath. Shallow breathing keeps us fighting or flying. Pranayama or breathing exercises are very helpful for your mind and nervous system. Pranayama involves controlled breathing, during which you breathe in and out and breathe in a specific order and a controlled manner. The goal of pranayama is to promote the interrelationship between your body, mind, and soul. Pranayama helps to decrease mental stress, reduce muscle stiffness, control blood pressure and enhance your sleeping quality.
6. Stay hydrated
Start your day with 2 cups of hot water. Vata enjoys squeezing a lemon, while Kaphas and Pittas work well with lime. This helps to flush out toxins from your body and keep your lymphatic system functioning smoothly.
7. Do proper exercise daily
Movement helps the body avoid stress and strain. Exercise produces endorphins, which heal us. Going outside has the added benefit of fresh air and sunlight. In addition, proper exercise helps to refresh ourselves and helps us to stay healthy.
8. Reduce caffeine & alcohol.
Although fun for a short time, they cause more problems than they can solve. Both of these increase our cortisol levels, but the body into stress mode and suppresses the immune system. Caffeine increases the risk of gout and increases our anxiety. Alcohol can aggravate Pitta dosha and cause depression or anger. Enjoy coffee substitutes or herbal teas instead as it also acts as an ayurvedic immunity booster.
9. Take care of your digestion!
In Ayurveda, strong digestion is the key to immunity. When food is not properly digested, toxins accumulate and the disease becomes stagnant. Tune in to your body for signs of hunger and avoid emotional food. Eat your biggest meal at lunch when digestion is strong. It is essential to have proper food combining and easy-to-digest foods like soups and stews.
During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, which promote good sleep. When you do not get enough sleep, the number of antibodies and cells that fight infection is reduced. If you find it difficult to sleep or sleep at night, start sleeping early. Allow your mind and body to enjoy relaxing activities such as reading, treading on the wall, taking an Epsom salt bath, or a cup of herbal tea. To reduce your Vata, apply oil to your feet before going to bed and wear socks.
These tips can help you at a point when life wheels like challenging. In addition, this would help to revive your life and stay healthy. And also benefits you to feel stress-free and enhance your focusing ability.
Dhathri Ayurveda Hospital and Panchakarma Centre is one of the best hospitals in Kerala offering high-quality Ayurvedic treatment packages on various health disorders. Moreover, Dhathri offers a free one-on-one online consultation based on your availability.
Feel free to contact us on 8129225555 for any treatment-related queries.
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